EOSIO Implementation

For the full smart contracts, see the Github repository

EOSIO (c++) implementation of the types of the Document Graph smart contract:

FlexValue type

The FlexValue type is a variant that supports all of the common data types supported in the C++/WASM SDK for EOSIO. It stores the data as an array, where the first value is a uint8 representing the index of the type in the typedef definition, followed by the actual value.

    typedef std::variant<std::monostate, 

Content type

The Content type is simply a FlexValue with an optional label. The smart contract also creates an alias for ContentGroup and ContentGroups to organize the lists of Content.

It is common for ContentGroups to be labeled by using a Content item with a label of content_group_label.

    struct Content {
        std::string label;
        FlexValue value;

    using ContentGroup = std::vector<Content>;
    using ContentGroups = std::vector<ContentGroup>;

Example Content Group serialized to json

    "content_groups": [
                "label": "content_group_name",
                "value": [
                    "My Salary Content Group"
                "label": "salary_amount",
                "value": [
                    "130.00 USD"
                "label": "recipient",
                "value": [

Certificate type

The Certificate type represents an account that is certifying, or attesting to, the content within that document. It includes the account name and optional notes for the signer. Of course, the signature from the certifier is required for creation of the certificate.

Certificates will likely be replaced with verifiable credentials

    struct Certificate
        eosio::name certifier;
        std::string notes;
        eosio::time_point certification_date = eosio::current_time_point();

Document type

The Document type stores the header information, ContentGroups, and a list of Certificates.

    struct Document 
        std::uint64_t id;
        eosio::checksum256 hash;
        eosio::name creator;
        ContentGroups content_groups;
        std::vector<Certificate> certificates;
        eosio::time_point created_date;
        eosio::name contract;

Example Document serialized to json

    "creator": "bob",
    "content_groups": [
                "label": "content_group_name",
                "value": [
                    "My Content Group #1"
                "label": "salary_amount",
                "value": [
                    "130.00 USD"
                "label": "referrer",
                "value": [
                "label": "vote_count",
                "value": [